
The CarbonCycle Composter

Eliminate food miles,
waste miles and
compost miles

Good for the atmosphere
Good for the planet 
Good for the people

Richard Wallis
Inventor, CarbonCycle Composter

A single CarbonCycle Community Composter can convert over 5 tons of organic matter into compost per year.

A CarbonCycle Composter processing your daily organic waste

Using your compost to grow fruit and vegetables

10 tons of CO2 (equivalent) avoided

How is this achieved?

Efficient Design

The composter’s removable side slats and overall design reduce labour time by at least 30%, and by over 50% when there are two or more joined together.

Better Heat Retention

The box size and materials promote optimal heat retention for killing weeds and pathogens and breaking down compostable material.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Food and garden waste need never be taken off your property again thereby reducing transport costs, and reducing waste and landfill-caused methane.

Nourish the Soil and the Atmosphere

Composting your waste puts nutrients and carbon back into the soil, so you can grow and eat super-foods and reduce greenhouse effects at the same time. Welcome to the CarbonCycle!

Give Back to the Community

Encourage your friends and neighbors to share compostable material, and share your excess produce with them in return. The whole community can benefit from the CarbonCycle.

Four features you’ll love about our composters

CarbonCycle Composter aluminium frame

Premium grade aluminium frame

A beautiful combination of science and art, designed to assemble in minutes and engineered to keep in perfect shape. The frame will not warp, twist, expand or contract over time. No plastic or other parts that will break off!

CarbonCycle Composter components options

Budget and aesthetic flexibility

Side and lid slats are available in Australia and New Zealand in various grades of timber to suit your aesthetic and budget. Or you can buy your own slats.

CarbonCycle Composters interlinked for more capacity

Size and scalability

Our composters are designed to handle substantial volumes and to ensure the pile gets seriously hot. If you need more capacity, it’s easy to join composters together. This substantially increases composting efficiency.

CarbonCycle Composter

Performance and longevity

Once your CarbonCycle Composter is in place, there are no more costs. All you need are food scraps and garden waste to make perfect compost and lots of it. You can relax knowing that your waste will break down quickly, but your composter won’t.

Cutting down on food waste could prevent more than 70 billion tons of greenhouse gases over the next three decades. It’s one of the best ways for individuals, companies and communities to contribute to reversing global warming while feeding more people, increasing economic benefits and preserving threatened ecosystems.

Project Drawdown

The CarbonCycle Company

Our team have been passionate compost makers for decades. Through trial and error, we learned that commercially available composters had so many short-comings that they had little chance of gaining wide acceptance from communities so that they would not only start composting but also keep composting.

So Richard, our very own “Doctor Compost”, began to design composters for our own use. Many a shipping pallet was used as we progressed our thinking of what would make the perfect composter. And whilst we were experimenting, we began to meet like-minded people with whom we could share thoughts and to whom we could provide prototype composters and what we had learned over the years. We inevitably learned about the benefits of local composting and worked with many schools, community gardens, community curb-side collections and other groups.

Richard’s backyard composting alone offsets his yearly carbon quota every 2 weeks

More about us

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