The CarbonCycle Composting Guide - The CarbonCycle Company

The CarbonCycle Composting Guide

Welcome to the CarbonCycle Composting Guide – the ultimate guide on how to compost.

If you prefer to download and read it in your own time, a PDF version is available here.

This guide is an essential part of the CarbonCycle Composting System alongside the CarbonCycle Composter Frame.

If you are reading this then you probably have at least one of our frames already. If so, congratulations. You have the best composter or composters possible and will get years of enjoyment from it or them.  In fact, if you only have one or two we wouldn’t mind betting that you will be keen on another composter before too long.

If you do not have a CarbonCycle Composter Frame, then you will not benefit from the system as much as you might but, if you are keen to compost, then we are still keen to help. We know that the frames are not inexpensive, at least not initially, so we can understand why they may not be affordable to everyone. But we are sincere in our mission to save our soils, environment and society so we have made sure that 99% of what we say in this guide applies to all composters. So, don’t hold back on embracing what we have to say. Indeed, if you have any questions, we will do our best to answer them regardless of whether you have any of our frames.

The CarbonCycle Composting System is protected by international patents, trademarks and copyright laws.

We hope you have learned something valuable from this Guide on how to compost. Leave a comment and let us know what you agree and disagree with, and what you think we should include in the next edition of the Guide!

Remember, you can also download the PDF version to refer to at any time.

Don’t forget to sign up to be a part of our CarbonCyclists Community for more meaningful discussions with other people who are passionate about composting.

1 Comment
  • Tony Winter

    October 23, 2020 at 7:58 am Reply

    Well what a complete guide that I am very interested to continue reading & digesting (pardon the pun) as there is way to much to take in at the first read through. I have composted for decades using a combination of plastic bins & timber bins around your bin size with generally good results. But the science & in-depth info you have produced has rely topped the info & process off so well way above anything I have read or learned over 50+ years. So I will now go back & read in more depth under a staged process as I don’t have the time to absorb heaps of info that you have gathered & presented to us all.
    Well done & I will feed back to my garden, people at the Thames Market & the Moana School as they continue to make their compost.
    I will also feed back to the T3 Food Waste Group as I believe that your system & units will be a good start to get actual food waste diversion under way in our area.

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