
Composting news, information & advice

what is compost

What is Compost?

There is some confusion as to what compost actually is, and what it does. Compost is the result of plant or animal-based matter decomposing in a controlled manner. The end result is a substance which is rich in nutrients and can be used as a soil conditioner to help plants grow. Compost is the product of the act of composting.


Choosing wood for composter slats

The choice of material for the sides and possibly the lid of your composter is a very important decision. And, of course, although we have had good experiences with other materials like composites, most of you will want to use wood. If you want to use wood then, regardless of whether you are making your own composter or sourcing your own timber for your CarbonCycle Composter, finding the right wood is essential to having a long-lasting and well-functioning composter.